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Skill Imbalance Scorecard


Skill Imbalance Scorecard is an early warning identification of potential high risk employee of churning due to their skills/career expectation imbalance.


Employees skills quickly evolve through the widespread adoption of online learning, new skills acquired often without the company's awareness. The evaluation generates a Risk Score, weighting employee skills imbalance in comparison to position requirements and then recalibrates the employees skills to new potential succession positions.


The evaluation is designed for quick & easy use, ideally integrated into performance reviews. It helps managers stay updated on their employees' evolving skillset, encouraging appraisals discussions, and reduces the risk of talent turnover.


Case Study: 
Penny is considering resigning from the Finance Division which is experiencing high staff turnover
Demilka will determine the issue & solution


Observation 1: 

Finance Division has a high rate of employees with new/unused skills  not utilised in their current role

Drill into employees

Skill Balance Index.png

Observation 2: 

Penny has a high Skill Alignment Risk Score due to her high level of skills she does not use in current her role & time in role

Drill into Penny

Horizontal_Risk score_BORDER2.png

Link Skill GAPs to Training Providers

Learning Vendors

Observation 3 

Penny has upskilled in other skill interests not required in her current role which is the reason for her career dissatisfaction & contemplating
other opportunities

matches Penny's new & existing skills to potential succession positions


Final Observation 4

Demilka recalibrated Penny's skills & matched to a new potential Technology Support role

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